Aluminum overload

What is Aluminum Overload?

Aluminum overload is an overload of aluminum in the body. It can be caused by a variety of different environmental and lifestyle factors, which lead to increased levels of aluminum in the bloodstream and tissues. Aluminum is an element that is naturally found in the environment, but too much aluminum can be toxic to humans. Aluminum buildup in the body can cause a wide range of symptoms that can include fatigue, headache, irritability, constipation, nausea, and joint pain.

What Causes Aluminum Overload?

Aluminum overload is caused by a variety of different factors that increase the presence of this element in the body. Common causes of aluminum overload include:

  • Exposure to aluminum from sources in the environment, such as air pollution, aluminum cookware, and other products containing aluminum.
  • Excess aluminum ingestion, such as in antacids, buffered aspirin, and antiperspirants.
  • Exposure to fluoride, which can increase the body's absorption of aluminum.
  • Genetic predisposition to aluminum overload.

Treating Aluminum Overload

The best way to treat aluminum overload is to reduce the intake of aluminum from the environment and lifestyle sources. Avoiding products that contain aluminum is key, as is making sure to filter tap water to remove excess fluoride and other metals.

There are also supplements and therapies that can help to chelate excess aluminum from the body. These treatments often involve oral supplements or intravenous infusions of chelating agents that can bind to aluminum and escort it out of the body. Some dietary changes may also be recommended to help reduce aluminum levels in the body.