
What is Chorea?

Chorea is a condition marked by involuntary, rapid, jerky movements and can affect any part of the body. It is typically caused by a neurological disorder, and is also sometimes referred to as chorea. Chorea is most commonly associated with Huntington's disease, but it can also be caused by certain medications, metabolic disorders, or infection. Chorea can range from mild to severe, and the severity of symptoms may vary from person to person.

Signs and Symptoms of Chorea

The signs and symptoms of Chorea can vary from person to person, but generally include:

  • Involuntary movements, such as jerking movements, twitching, or flailing of the limbs
  • Abnormal posturing of the body
  • Difficulty with fine motor movements, such as writing or buttoning a shirt
  • Difficulty with balance
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Inability to concentrate or pay attention
  • Fatigue

Treatment for Chorea

The treatment for Chorea typically focuses on controlling the symptoms and decreasing the severity of the movements. Depending on the cause of the Chorea, treatment may include:

  • Medication, such as neuroleptics or anticonvulsants
  • Physical therapy, to help improve balance, mobility, and coordination
  • Occupational therapy, to help improve daily living skills
  • Counseling and psychotherapy, to help address emotional and psychological issues associated with the condition
  • Surgery, for certain cases

Living with Chorea

Living with Chorea can be challenging, but there are a few steps you can take to help manage your condition.

  • Be sure to take your medication as prescribed, and keep track of any side effects.
  • Make sure to get plenty of rest—lack of sleep can make your symptoms worse.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet to help maintain your energy levels.
  • Exercise regularly to help strengthen your muscles and improve coordination.
  • Find a support group or join an online community to connect with others who are living with Chorea.
  • Talk to your doctor about any alternative treatments, such as yoga or tai chi, that may help alleviate symptoms.