Slipping rib syndrome

Complete Overview About Slipping rib Syndrome

Slipping rib syndrome is a rare and complex condition that causes pain in the sides of the ribs. The condition sometimes occurs when the ribs slide between the muscles under the rib cage. This movement can put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the affected area, resulting in significant pain and disability. Slipping rib syndrome affects both men and women, though it's more often reported in women.

What Are The Causes?

Slipping rib syndrome is caused by a misalignment of the ribs, which allows the ribs to slip out of place. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, increased physical activity, injury to the chest, birth defects, and osteoporosis. In some cases, the condition is found without any known cause.

Symptoms and Signs

The primary symptom of slipping rib syndrome is pain around the affected area. Pain may be sudden and sharp, or it may be persistent and burning. The pain may move or radiate to other areas, such as the abdomen or lower back. Other symptoms may include tenderness around the affected area, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and difficulty bending or twisting the torso.

Diagnosis and Tests

Slipping rib syndrome is difficult to diagnose because the signs and symptoms can be similar to other medical conditions. Doctors may perform a physical examination and ask a patient about the onset and duration of the pain to help make a diagnosis. Imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans, may also be ordered to rule out other conditions. Blood tests may be ordered to check for infection.

Treatment and Drugs

Treating slipping rib syndrome typically involves a combination of physical therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes. Eating a diet of anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding activities that place stress on the affected area can help. Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, may provide temporary relief. Physical therapy exercises can also help to strengthen the muscles around the rib cage and reduce pain. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the misalignment.


Slipping rib syndrome is often caused by an underlying condition or injury, and can be difficult to prevent. However, a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing the condition. Taking steps to maintain a healthy posture, limiting physical activity, and avoiding activities that put stress on the ribs can help reduce the risk of slipping rib syndrome.

Risks and Complications

The most common risk associated with slipping rib syndrome is heightened or persistent pain. Other risks, such as difficulty breathing, organ damage, and infection, may occur if the condition is not treated. If left untreated, the condition can also lead to other issues, such as nerve damage or chronic pain.