
What Is Cataplexy?

Cataplexy is a neurological disorder that causes a sudden and temporary loss of muscle tone. It is most commonly seen in people with narcolepsy, a condition that causes excessive and sudden sleepiness. Cataplexy can affect any muscle group in the body. However, most attacks are mild, lasting for only a few seconds.

Cataplexy causes a person to suddenly lose strength in the face, legs, and/or arms. During an attack, the person may be unable to move or speak, and may feel like faint or be completely paralyzed.People experiencing a cataplexy attack usually remain conscious and are aware of their surroundings.

Symptoms Of Cataplexy

  • Sudden muscle weakness
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Slurred speech
  • Inability to speak or move
  • Head or facial drooping
  • Numbness or tingling sensations in the face, arms, and/or legs
  • Loss of consciousness

The symptoms of cataplexy can range from mild to severe, and can appear suddenly without warning. They typically last for a few seconds to a few minutes, though some people may experience episodes that last longer. Episodes can be triggered by intense emotions, such as laughter, excitement, fear, or anger.

Causes Of Cataplexy

The cause of cataplexy is unknown, but it is believed to be related to the lack of a chemical in the brain called hypocretin (also known as orexin). People with narcolepsy typically have low levels of this chemical. Other factors, such as stress, lack of sleep, and physical or emotional triggers, may also contribute to cataplexy.

Treating Cataplexy

Treatment for cataplexy typically involves medications that help increase the levels of hypocretin in the brain by stimulating the production of the chemical. Other medications, such as antidepressants, may also be prescribed to help control episodes of cataplexy. In addition, lifestyle changes, such as getting plenty of sleep and managing stress, can help reduce the frequency and intensity of cataplexy episodes.


Cataplexy is a neurological disorder that can cause sudden and temporary loss of muscle tone. It is most commonly seen in people with narcolepsy and is usually associated with intense emotions. Treatment for cataplexy typically involves medications and lifestyle changes. If you are experiencing episodes of cataplexy, speak to your doctor to find out what treatment options are best for you.