Steroid resistant hepatic transplant rejection

Steroid Resistant Hepatic Transplant Rejection

Hepatic transplant rejection occurs when an individual's immune system identifies the transplanted organ as “foreign” and attacks it. The types of rejection that can occur include acute cellular, humoral, and antibody-mediated rejection. Steroid-resistant hepatic transplant rejection occurs when steroids fail to stop the immune system from attacking the new organ.

Steroid-resistant hepatic transplant rejection is a serious condition that can lead to organ failure and death. It is characterized by rapid progression to a severe level of rejection, persistent inflammation, destruction of the transplanted organ, and immune responses that are not controlled by steroid treatment.

The main risk factors for steroid-resistant hepatic transplant rejection are:

  • Mismatch between donor and recipient
  • Genetic differences in the transplanted organ
  • A history of chronic rejection
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Infection after transplant surgery

Treatment for steroid-resistant hepatic transplant rejection consists of aggressive immune suppression with steroid exposures, calcineurin inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, and other agents. However, if signs of irreversible rejection are present, the only option is to remove the transplanted organ.

Preventing steroid-resistant hepatic transplant rejection requires careful donor selection, careful pre-transplant evaluation, and close monitoring of the recipient after transplantation.