Cytology exam of urine

What is a Cytology Exam of Urine?

A cytology exam of urine is an examination of urine in order to detect and diagnose potential medical conditions and diseases. The test looks at the morphology of cells that are present in the sample, and identifies any abnormality or changes in the appearance of the cells. This type of test is often used to diagnose the presence of urinary tract infections, cancers, kidney disease, and inflammatory conditions.

Preparation for Cytology Exam of Urine

In order to ensure the accuracy of the test results, you should let your doctor know if you have recently taken any antibiotics, as this can affect the results of the examination. You should also refrain from any vigorous exercise before the exam, and should avoid passing more than 150ml of urine within an hour before the test.

Procedure of Cytology Exam of Urine

During a cytology exam of urine, a sample of urine will be collected from the patient. This sample is then examined under a microscope to identify any abnormalities in the shape or structure of the cells present in the urine. Any abnormality identified may be indicative of a medical condition or disease, and further testing may be required to diagnose the issue.

Types of Cytology Exam of Urine

There are two main types of cytology exams of urine. The first is known as a wet mount preparation, also known as a wet preps or examination, and involves placing a sample of urine onto a glass slide and examining it under a microscope. The second type of exam is known as a urine cell culture and involves a more in-depth examination to identify more specific changes in the shape and size of cells.

Risks of Cytology Exam of Urine

A cytology exam of urine is generally a safe procedure with very few risks or side effects. However, there is a slight risk of infection due to the insertion of a needle into the bladder for sample collection. Additionally, if any abnormalities are identified, further testing may be required, which can carry a greater risk.

Why Should a Cytology Exam of Urine Be Performed?

A cytology exam of urine can be used to diagnose a range of medical conditions, such as urinary tract infections, cancers, kidney disease, and inflammatory diseases. It can also help to identify changes in the cells that can indicate a potential illness or disease.

When To Have a Cytology Exam of Urine?

A cytology exam of urine should be considered if a patient is experiencing any concerning signs and symptoms, such as pain or burning during urination, cloudiness or unexpected changes in the color of the urine, frequent urination, or abdominal pain. Additionally, it may be recommended if there is a family history of certain conditions or diseases, or if a patient has been exposed to a potentially hazardous environment.