Ocular Discomfort

Ocular Discomfort: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Ocular discomfort, also known as ocular irritation, is a common eye condition experienced by millions of people. It is characterised by soreness, itchiness, burning, dryness, and general discomfort of the eyes. While it usually isn't a serious condition, it can sometimes worsen and lead to more permanent damage if not treated correctly. In this article, you will learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of ocular discomfort.

Causes of Ocular Discomfort

Ocular discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Dry eyes
  • Allergies or asthma
  • Computer use
  • Exposure to smoke
  • Contact lens use
  • Corneal abrasion
  • Infection

Symptoms of Ocular Discomfort

The symptoms of ocular discomfort can vary, depending on the underlying cause, but they generally include:

  • Stinging or burning sensation
  • Itching
  • Dryness
  • Redness
  • Excessive tearing of the eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Discomfort when wearing contact lenses

Treatment for Ocular Discomfort

Treatment of ocular discomfort depends on its underlying cause. Common treatments include artificial tears, antihistamines, or prescription medications. If infection is the cause, an antibiotic may be prescribed. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

It is also important to prevent further irritation by avoiding activities like rubbing the eyes, exposure to smoke, dust, or other irritants. Wear protective eyewear when outdoors and computer glasses when staring at a computer screen for long periods of time to reduce symptoms. Additionally, be sure to see an optometrist if ocular discomfort continues, worsens, or if you experience vision changes.