Candida intertrigo

Article on Candida Intertrigo

Candida intertrigo is an infection caused by a yeast fungus called Candida albicans. This infection is relatively common, and it most often affects people who have skin folds, such as those around the groin, armpits, and neck.

Candida intertrigo is characterized by itchy, red, sometimes scaly rashes in the affected areas. These rashes can become secondarily infected with bacteria, adding to the redness and itching. Often, a thick white discharge may be present, which may contain pus.

The infection is typically caused by an overgrowth of the fungus due to excess moisture, friction between two skin surfaces, or impairment of the skin’s natural defenses. Other predisposing factors may include skin-barrier disruption due to topical corticosteroids, diabetes, altered immune system, and obesity.


Candida intertrigo is usually diagnosed through a physical examination and sometimes with a sample of the affected skin for a laboratory test. It is important to distinguish Candida intertrigo from other types of skin infections, such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, in order to provide effective treatment.


Treatment of Candida intertrigo typically includes lifestyle changes and medications. These may include:

  • Keeping the affected area clean and dry
  • Limiting friction between skin surfaces
  • Using an antifungal powder
  • Using antifungal cream or ointment
  • Taking oral antifungal medication
  • Using topical steroid creams, lotions, or ointments

If the infection is not responding to treatment, medical attention should be sought as the infection may be caused by a different type of fungus.


In order to prevent Candida intertrigo, it is important to keep skin areas prone to friction dry and clean. Wear loose, non-irritating clothing and avoid tight-fitting garments. Avoid hot, humid environments and wear absorbent cotton underwear. It is also important to keep diabetes and other chronic illnesses under control.