Wound irrigation therapy

What is Wound Irrigation Therapy?

Wound irrigation therapy is one of the oldest forms of wound care and involves cleansing and irrigating a wound with a sustained and uniform flow of a cleansing solution. This therapy is used to remove debris and particulate matter from wounds and to dilute harmful organisms. Practiced for many centuries, wound irrigation therapy has been a mainstay in the practice of wound care for the past century.

Benefits of Wound Irrigation Therapy

The primary goal of wound irrigation therapy is to clean the wound to ensure proper healing. This type of wound care helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and keep the wound free from any material or debris, which can cause infection and further tissue damage. Wound irrigation therapy also helps to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. In addition, wound irrigation therapy can help to reduce healing time.

Types of Wound Irrigation Therapy

There are three main types of wound irrigation therapy:

  • Syringes and needles
  • Gravitational wound therapy (GWT)
  • Pressure-gradient wound therapy (PGWT)

Syringes and Needles

Syringes and needles are the most common form of wound irrigation therapy and involve injecting a saline solution directly into the wound with a syringe and needle. This type of wound care is typically used for smaller wounds and to irrigate and clean out around tissue that may have been affected by infection.

Gravitational Wound Therapy

Gravitational wound therapy (GWT) is an irrigation technique that utilizes a bag filled with a saline solution and gravity. This type of wound irrigation involves suspending the solution bag above the wound and allowing gravity to slowly apply the solution directly into the wound. This type of wound care can be particularly useful for large wounds or wounds that are difficult to access.

Pressure-Gradient Wound Therapy

Pressure-gradient wound therapy (PGWT) is a type of advanced wound irrigation technique that utilizes a pressurized device to deliver a specified flow rate and pressure of saline solution to the wound. This type of wound care is particularly useful for wounds that require controlled and precise delivery of cleansing solution.


Wound irrigation therapy is a safe and effective way to clean and irrigate wounds, and can help to reduce infection, pain, swelling, and inflammation. This type of wound care is also beneficial in helping to speed up the healing process and ensure proper wound closure. Whether you are using a syringe and needle, gravitational wound therapy, or pressure-gradient wound therapy, it is important to follow the instructions of the healthcare provider to ensure the safest and most effective wound irrigation.