Secondary Impetiginization

What is Secondary Impetiginization?

Secondary impetiginization is a bacterial infection of the skin that occurs after an initial episode of impetigo. It occurs when the bacteria that cause impetigo spread to other areas of the body or when new bacteria take over after the first bacteria have been killed.

Secondary impetiginization often starts with a red, scaly rash. The affected area may become tender and painful and be filled with pus bumps. The most common sites of infection are the hands, arms, and legs, but other parts of the body can be affected as well.

What Causes Secondary Impetiginization?

Secondary impetiginization is caused by bacteria that spread from a previous episode of impetigo. It is usually caused by a strain of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria but other types of bacteria can also cause it.

The bacteria can spread to other areas of the skin when an individual scratches or rubs the area that is already infected. It can also spread through contact with another person who has impetigo, sharing personal items, or contact with contaminated objects.

Signs and Symptoms of Secondary Impetiginization

  • Red, scaly rash
  • Tender and painful
  • Pus bumps
  • Itching and burning
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Treatment for Secondary Impetiginization

Secondary impetiginization can usually be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics can be taken orally or applied topically. In some cases, topical treatments can be more effective than oral antibiotics.

In addition to antibiotics, a doctor may suggest using over-the-counter ointments and dressings to relieve itching and pain. Antihistamines may also be recommended to help reduce inflammation and symptoms such as itching.

Prevention of Secondary Impetiginization

The best way to prevent secondary impetiginization is to treat the initial infection properly. This means using the recommended antibiotics and following the instructions carefully.

Also, it is important to practice good hygiene to reduce the spread of infection. This includes washing hands often and avoiding contact with anyone who has impetigo.