Recurrent stage Ta papillary tumors

Recurrent Papillary Tumors

Papillary tumors are an uncommon type of kidney cancer, accounting for roughly 5-10% of kidney cancer diagnoses. They also can emerge as part of other conditions, such as cystic nephroma and mesoblastic nephroma. These tumors can appear in both children and adults. Recurrent tumors are those that have come back after a period of remission, which can mean the tumor has grown or spread. Treatment options depend on the type of tumor, the stage and presence of spread, and the patient’s health.

Recurrent papillary tumors can be difficult and delicate to treat. Treatment options include surgery, radiation, and in some cases chemotherapy. Surgery will either be a partial nephrectomy (removing only the tumor), or a radical nephrectomy (removing the entire kidney). In some cases, radiation or chemotherapy will be used depending on the tumor type, size, and spread.

Newer treatments for recurrent papillary tumors include targeted and immunotherapy. Targeted therapies are those that target only specific parts of the tumor, such as the gene that is believed to cause the tumor. Immunotherapies involve using drugs that stimulate the body’s immune system to fight the cancer.

Recurrent papillary tumors can often be challenging to diagnose and treat, as the type and stage can vary and treatments may need to be tailored to the individual. It is important to discuss the risks and options with a qualified medical team.

Types of Recurrent Papillary Tumors

  • Clear Cell Papillary Tumor of the Kidney (CCPT): This is a type of papillary tumor that originates in the cortex of the kidney and can grow into its collecting system. It is most commonly seen in adults between the ages of 40 and 70.
  • Tubulo-Papillary Carcinoma of the Kidney: A rare form of papillary tumor, where its growth is slow and it is localized within the kidney. This type of tumor is more common in children and has a higher rate of recurrence.
  • Mixed Epithelial and Stromal Tumor (MEST): This type of tumor is most common in children, and around one third of these tumors are recurrent. MEST tumors typically grow in the medulla of the kidney.

Risk Factors for Recurrence

Some of the most common risk factors for papillary tumors include:

  • Surgery: Surgery can increase the risk of recurrence, as it can sometimes leave behind some residual cancer cells.
  • Age: Older patients are more likely to have papillary tumors, and thus a higher risk of recurrence.
  • Type of tumor: Certain tumor types, such as CCPT and MEST, have a higher risk of recurrence.
  • Spread: Tumors that have spread to other areas of the body may reoccur more often.

Patients should discuss with their doctor any potential risks and factors that may affect their situation when it comes to recurrent papillary tumors.