Post-operative respiratory stimulation

Post-operative respiratory stimulation

Post-operative respiratory stimulation is a form of pulmonary rehabilitation which is designed to help patients who have undergone surgical procedures improve their respiratory status. This is done by encouraging the patient to breathe deeply and slowly. The aim is to improve airflow, ventilation, and work of breathing, helping the patient to recover faster and more efficiently.

Post-operative respiratory stimulation involves a variety of techniques and interventions such as breathing exercises, education, and instruction in the use of assistive devices. It usually begins shortly after surgical procedures to help the patient resume normal breathing patterns. If followed, these techniques can help reduce shortness of breath and improve symptoms such as fatigue and difficulty performing activities.

Techniques Used In Post-operative Respiratory Stimulation

  • Deep breathing exercises: This involves taking slow, deep breaths for a few seconds, holding the breath, and then exhaling slowly. This helps to expand the lungs and increase oxygen to the muscles. This should be done several times a day.
  • Pursed-lips breathing: This involves breathing in through the nose then pursing the lips while exhaling slowly. This helps reduce air trapping in the airways.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing: This encourages the use of diaphragm while breathing, which helps improve overall lung capacity. This should be done a few times a day.
  • Possession exercises: These exercises help strengthen the muscles of the chest and ribcage that help to control and expand breathing. These should be done several times a day.
  • Assisted breathing devices: These devices such as inhalers and nebulizers deliver medication into the lungs to help improve breathing.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation: This involves a comprehensive program with physical therapy, education, and counseling to help the person improve their breathing.

Benefits Of Post-operative Respiratory Stimulation

Post-operative respiratory stimulation is a safe and effective method to help individuals who have recently gone through a surgical procedure recover more quickly. It may provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced shortness of breath
  • Improved pulmonary function
  • Increased energy levels
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Improved quality of life
  • Reduced risk of further complications from surgery


Post-operative respiratory stimulation is a form of pulmonary rehabilitation that helps patients recover faster and more efficiently following surgery. It is based on the use of breathing exercises, assisted breathing devices, and other techniques that may help improve pulmonary function and reduce shortness of breath. It may also help improve overall quality of life by increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue.