MTHFR Mutation Test


MTHFR Mutation Test:

MTHFR mutation testing is a test that can help diagnose a potentially inherited mutation within the MTHFR gene. This mutation can influence the metabolism of certain nutrients and has been associated with a variety of both physical and mental health conditions. Consequently, MTHFR testing can provide useful information about someone's overall health and any known risks they may have.

Preparation for the Test

In most cases, there is no special preparation required for an MTHFR test. However, some doctors may advise their patients to fast for several hours before the test. Fasting may make the results more accurate, as it eliminates any recent dietary influences from the sample.


MTHFR testing requires a small blood sample to be taken from the patient's arm. This is then analyzed for the presence of any mutations in the MTHFR gene. The results are typically available within a few days.

Types of MTHFR Mutation Tests

  • Remapping: This type of MTHFR test looks at the entire mitochondrial, nuclear, and plasmidic genomes in order to detect any mutations or changes.
  • Specific gene tests: In this test, the MTHFR gene is tested for any potential mutations that could cause issues with nutrient metabolism.

Risks and Side Effects

MTHFR testing poses almost no risk or side effects. The only risks associated with the procedure itself are those of any other blood test, such as pain, bleeding, or infection.

Why Have an MTHFR Test

MTHFR mutation testing can be a useful tool for diagnosing potential health conditions that a person may be at risk of developing. It can also help the doctor devise a more targeted treatment and prevention plan that takes the person's specific mutations into account.

When to Have an MTHFR Test

A person should consult their doctor if they have family members with known MTHFR mutations or if they have a personal history of any health issues related to nutrient metabolism. Doing an MTHFR test can help to provide a clearer picture of their individual risk profile.