Poisoning caused by Nicotine

Understanding Nicotine Poisoning

Nicotine poisoning occurs when an individual is exposed to a large quantity of nicotine. Nicotine is a toxic alkaloid found in certain plants such as tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplant, and is also used as an insecticide. It is also present in nicotine replacement therapies such as patches, gums, and lozenges. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that can have serious health consequences, including nicotine poisoning.

Nicotine Poisoning Symptoms

The symptoms of nicotine poisoning include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness, confusion, sweating, tremors, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, drooling and difficulty breathing. Severe nicotine poisoning can cause seizures, coma, and even death.

Preventing Nicotine Poisoning

It is important to take steps to prevent nicotine poisoning. These include:

  • Avoiding contact with tobacco products and nicotine replacement therapies.
  • Being mindful of nicotine-containing products, such as insecticides, rat poisons, and products used to treat nicotine addiction.
  • Being aware of the dangers of accidentaloverdose from nicotine replacement therapies.

Treating Nicotine Poisoning

If you suspect someone has been exposed to nicotine, seek medical help immediately. Treatment depends on how much nicotine was ingested and the individual’s physical condition. Treatment may involve medications and supportive care.