Sensations of cold

Exploring the Sensations of Cold

From snow days to the freezing depths of winter, how do humans experience cold? Even though each individual’s experience can vary, there are some basic reactions associated with the cold that most people share. Here are four sensations of cold we all know and recognize.

  • Chill: This is the most common sensation associated with cold temperatures. The feeling of chill is a sign that our body is responding to a drop in temperature, activating senses necessary to keep the body warm.
  • Fatigue: When exposed to extreme cold, our body’s energy reserves can be drained as it works to maintain a healthy core temperature. This can lead to feelings of fatigue and lethargy.
  • Pain: Prolonged exposure to cold can cause physical pain in humans, particularly in extremities. Depending on your body type, certain parts of the body can be more sensitive to cold and lead to pain or discomfort more quickly.
  • Numbness: Feelings of numbness are often an indication of nerve damage, and can be extremely common in extreme cold. This happens as the brain senses an extreme lack of circulation from cold temperatures and slows circulation to certain parts of the body.

Each person will experience cold differently. It is important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly, especially when exposed to extreme cold temperatures. Do not hesitate to reach out to medical professionals or loved ones if you experience symptoms that are concerning.