Open Wound


What Is an Open Wound?

An open wound is a break in the skin or a deep cut that requires medical attention. Open wounds require treatment to ensure proper healing and to prevent infection. It is important to take any wound seriously, give it proper care, and pay attention to any changes of condition that may indicate infection or other complications.

Types of Open Wounds

The four main types of open wounds are:

  • Abrasions: Uppermost layers of skin are rubbed away. They are caused by friction, such as those resulting from a fall or scrape.
  • Lacerations: widespread jagged tears caused by blunt force trauma. They may be superficial or deep.
  • Punctures: holes in the skin made by pointed objects, such as nails, that reach deeper layers of skin and muscles.
  • Avulsions: severe injuries that involve tearing or ripping of the skin.

How to Treat an Open Wound

The following steps should be taken to properly treat an open wound:

  • Stop the bleeding: Apply direct pressure to the wound with a sterile, clean cloth or bandage.
  • Clean the wound: Wash the wound gently and thoroughly with soap and water. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide or antibiotic ointments since these can damage tissue.
  • Cover the wound: Cover the wound with a sterile dressing or bandage to protect it from infection. Change the dressing regularly.
  • Evaluate the wound: Check the wound periodically for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. Severe pain, fever, and chills are other signs of infection.

In some cases, a doctor may need to close an open wound using stitches, staples, or glue. If the wound is not deep, it may heal on its own without the need for medical treatment.