Submental fat removal

Submental Fat Removal – A Comprehensive Guide

Submental fat, better known as double chin, is a common problem faced by many individuals. It’s an embarrassing issue that can take away from your confidence and body-image. Fortunately, there are a range of treatments available for eliminating or reducing submental fat.

Here we discuss the risks, cost and options for you to consider when looking into submental fat removal.

What is Submental Fat?

Submental fat is the fatty deposit found around the neck and chin area. It is caused by lack of muscle tone, poor diet or heredity. It can also be an indication of obesity, thyroid problems or other hormonal imbalance. It is more common in the elderly, although younger individuals may suffer from it as well.

Options for Submental Fat Removal

There are several treatments available for removing or reducing submental fat. They include:

  • Surgical Procedures
    • Liposuction – This is the most common form of surgical fat removal. It involves inserting a thin tube called a cannula through small incisions around the chin area. Fat is suctioned out of the area. It is a relatively quick procedure with minimal scarring.
    • Neck Lift – This procedure involves making an incision along the jawline near the ear. Excess skin and fat is removed to give the neck a smoother, more contoured appearance.
  • Non-Surgical Treatments
    • Kybella – This is an injectable treatment which helps to reduce the appearance of fat. It works by breaking down the fat cells and encouraging them to be absorbed by the body.
    • CoolSculpting – This treatment involves using an applicator to freeze submental fat cells. The cells crystallize and then die off gradually over time. It typically requires multiple treatments.
    • Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction – This treatment combines laser energy and ultrasound waves with traditional liposuction. It is used to break up the fat cells and then remove them from the area. This can reduce the downtime associated with the procedure.

Risks and Cost

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, bleeding and scarring. The more invasive procedures, such as liposuction, carry a greater risk. As for cost, it will depend upon the type of procedure being performed and the clinic that you go to. Surgical procedures typically cost more than non-surgical treatments.


Submental fat can be an embarrassing and confidence sapping problem, but the good news is that there are a range of treatments available for removing or reducing it. Depending on your budget and desires, there is likely a solution for you. Be sure to consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for the best advice on what procedure is best for you.