Ocular burning

Ocular Burning

Ocular burning, or burning eyes, is a common symptom of eye discomfort. It can be temporary and minor or a sign of a more serious eye condition.

The sensation of ocular burning may be caused by a range of irritants, such as allergens, infections, and environmental pollutants. In some cases, it can indicate an underlying eye disorder or medical condition.

Symptoms of ocular burning

Burning eyes can cause discomfort, redness, and tearing. Other symptoms may include:

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurry vision
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Eye pain or stinging
  • Discharge or crusting around the eyes
  • Itching of the eyes

Causes of ocular burning

  • Allergies: Exposure to pollen, dust, animal fur, or other allergens can cause ocular burning.
  • Infections: Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis or blepharoconjunctivitis, can cause burning, tears, and sensitivity to light.
  • Environmental toxins: Eye exposures to pollutants, such as vehicle exhaust, smoke, and fumes, can cause burning eye sensation.
  • Dry eyes: A lack of adequate tears can cause ocular burning. Other symptoms may include redness, light sensitivity, and tired eyes.
  • Eyelid irritation: The presence of foreign objects, such as eyelashes, debris, or dust, can irritate the eyelid and cause a burning sensation.

Treatment of ocular burning

Treatment for ocular burning depends on the underlying cause. Self-care measures, such as using artificial tears or taking antihistamine medications, may be enough to relieve mild symptoms. Severe symptoms may require prescription medications or other medical treatments.

If your symptoms persist or worsen, you should see an ophthalmologist. Your doctor may recommend tests or treatments to help diagnose your condition and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.