FTA-ABS blood test

FTA-ABS Blood Test

What is FTA-ABS Blood Test?

The FTA-ABS blood test (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test) is a blood test used to detect the presence of antibodies that fight infections caused by bacterial organisms such as syphilis or yaws.

Why is an FTA-ABS Blood Test Necessary?

The FTA-ABS test is used to help diagnose or rule out the presence of syphilis or yaws. Syphilis and yaws are both sexually transmitted diseases caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis, if left untreated, can cause serious and even life-threatening complications. This is why the FTA-ABS test is a critical component in the diagnosis and treatment of both infections.

Preparation for FTA-ABS Blood Test

No special preparation is required for an FTA-ABS test. However, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or health care provider. This may include fasting before the test or avoiding certain medications.

Procedure for FTA-ABS Blood Test

The FTA-ABS test is typically performed by a laboratory technician. The test is done on a sample of blood, usually taken from a vein in your arm. The technician takes a small vial of blood and uses it to run the tests in the laboratory. Testing typically takes a few hours.

Types of FTA-ABS Test

There are two commonly used forms of the FTA-ABS test: the non-treponemal and the treponemal test. The non-treponemal test, also known as the VDRL test, measures the amount of antibodies created against the Treponema pallidum bacterium in the blood. The treponemal test, also known as the TPHA test, detects the presence of the actual treponemal antigen in the blood.

Risks of FTA-ABS Blood Test

The FTA-ABS test carries few risks. The most common risk is bleeding and bruising where the blood sample was taken. Other risks may include fainting or feeling lightheaded, infection at the site of the injection, or an allergic reaction to the antiseptic or other substances used in the test.

When is an FTA-ABS Blood Test Necessary?

The FTA-ABS test is typically recommended if you have symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection. It is also commonly done during a routine physical to make sure you are free of infections such as syphilis or yaws. If you have had unprotected sex or multiple sexual partners, you should also consider getting tested for STIs.


The FTA-ABS blood test is a valuable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis and yaws. It is easy to administer and carries few risks, making it an important addition to any physical or sexually transmitted infection screening. Talk to your doctor or health care provider about whether this test is right for you.