
Understanding Abscess

An abscess is a painful infection at a specific spot within the body. It is caused by a bacterial infection and is characterized by the collection of pus in the soft tissues. These collections of pus are surrounded by an inflamed area. Abscesses are often thought to be caused by a small break or tear in the skin allowing bacteria to infect the area, however, it may also occur within an organ. Often, a fever and other signs and symptoms accompany the abscess.

Signs and Symptoms of an Abscess

A person with an abscess may experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Warmth of the area
  • Change in color of the skin
  • Tenderness
  • Pus formation

Treatments for an Abscess

Although an abscess can often get better by itself, usually treatments are necessary to relieve the pain and speed up the healing process. Treatment for an abscess usually involves antibiotics and surgical drainage. Depending on the type and location of the abscess, a doctor might recommend the following:

  • Prescription of antibiotics
  • Surgery to drain the abscess
  • Warm compresses
  • Medication to decrease the inflammation
  • Surgery to remove the infected tissue

Prevention of Abscess

The best way to prevent an abscess is to practice good hygiene and basic first aid techniques. Be sure to always wash your hands before and after touching any wound. Whenever you are dealing with a wound, be sure to keep it clean and dry to reduce the chance of an infection. Always seek medical care for any wound or injury that won't heal. If you suspect an abscess, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.