Bladder biopsy

Overview of Bladder Biopsy

A bladder biopsy is a medical procedure in which a tissue sample of the bladder is removed and examined, usually under a microscope, to diagnose any abnormalities or disease. The test is used to detect and diagnose conditions such as bladder cancer, bladder inflammation, and interstitial cystitis. Depending on the reason for the biopsy, it can be conducted in a doctor’s office or an operating room.

How Is a Bladder Biopsy Performed?

A bladder biopsy is done by first inspecting the inside of the bladder. The doctor then uses a hollow tube-like instrument, called a cystoscope, to take a tissue sample from the wall of the bladder. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. In some cases, a urinary catheter may also be used.

Types of Bladder Biopsy

  • Biopsy needle: This type of biopsy uses a fine needle to remove a sample or core of the bladder wall.
  • Transurethral resection: This type of biopsy is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor inserts the cystoscope into the bladder and then uses a specialized tool to cut a small piece of tissue from the wall of the bladder. The tissue is removed with forceps and examined.

Preparation for Bladder Biopsy

Your doctor will likely tell you to refrain from drinking or eating anything for four to six hours before the procedure. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help reduce the risk of infection. You should also avoid taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications and dietary supplements for several days before the procedure.

Potential Risks and Complications

Bladder biopsy is generally a safe procedure; however, as with any medical procedure, there are some risks and potential complications. These may include bleeding, infection, injury to the bladder, and urinary tract blockage. In some cases, additional testing may be required.

Why Is a Bladder Biopsy Performed?

A bladder biopsy is most often done to diagnose and treat bladder cancer. It is also used to diagnose bladder infections, urinary tract infections, and other conditions. Your doctor may recommend a bladder biopsy if you are experiencing blood in your urine, pain or burning when you urinate, frequent urination, or a sense of urgency when you need to urinate.

When to Seek Medical Care

It is important to talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms that may be related to a bladder condition. Your doctor may recommend a bladder biopsy if there is suspicion of a urinary tract infection or bladder cancer.