Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Stage IIIA

Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Stage IIIA

Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), also known as lung carcinoma, is a type of lung cancer which includes many kinds of carcinomas of the lung. Stage IIIA is one of the stages in the progression of the cancer and is the most advanced stage before the cancer can spread to different organs and tissues. In Stage IIIA, the cancer is considered localized, but has spread to lymph nodes of the lungs, the chest or into the diaphragm or the tissues between the lungs.

At this stage of non-small cell lung cancer, cancer cells can be seen in the nearby lymph nodes. Stage IIIA is divided into sub-stages based on the size of the main tumor and which lymph nodes are affected. Those sub-stages are further divided into A, B and C.

  • Sub-stage IIIA: The tumor is 5 cm or smaller and it has spread to lymph nodes on the same side of the chest, but not to the other side.
  • Sub-stage IIIB: The tumors are larger than 5 cm, or have spread to the lymph nodes on the opposite side of the chest, but not to other organs.
  • Sub-stage IIIC: The tumors are any size, and has spread to chest wall, the diaphragm or the linings between the lungs.

In stage IIIA NSCLC, surgery is usually not recommended for treatment; instead, doctors usually suggest a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotheraphy, and/or targeted therapy. The effectiveness of these treatments depend on the location and type of non-small cell lung cancer and the patient’s overall health.

It is important to discuss all the treatment options with the doctor in order to make the best decision for the patient. Non-small cell lung cancer is a very serious and complex illness, and with the help of the doctor, it is possible to make an informed decision about the treatment options.