Cystometric study

Cystometric Study/Study

A cystometric study is a medical diagnostic test that is conducted to assess the bladder and lower urinary tract function. The main objective of this exam is to evaluate bladder compliance and pressure, thereby helping diagnose conditions such as urinary tract infection, interstitial cystitis, or neurological problems that affect the bladder.


Before the cystometric study, you should avoid drinking a large amount of fluids. The test requires that you are in a comfortable and relaxed setting throughout the procedure. You will be required to hold your bladder for a certain length of time. Therefore, it is best that you preceded the exam with an empty bladder.


The cystometric study is usually an in-clinic procedure that takes place in an examination room. The doctor will begin by examining your abdomen and genital region to check for any abnormalities. A thin catheter will then be inserted through your urethra and into your bladder. Through the catheter, warm saline solution will be released into the bladder. The doctor will carefully measure the volume and pressure of the bladder. Depending on your exam, the doctor will also measure the outward flow of urine.


There are different types of cystometric study, including:

  • Basic cystometrics: This exam is used to test for neurological and bladder abnormalities.
  • Urodynamic testing: This procedure measures the bladder, urethra, and sphincter function.
  • Pressure-flow study: This test measures the pressure of urine flowing out of the bladder.
  • Voiding studies: These tests assess the speed and amount of urine flow.


Overall, having a cystometric study is safe. However, there are a few risks associated with this procedure, such as pain and discomfort in the urinary tract or bladder irritation caused by the catheter.

Why It’s Done?

A cystometric study is conducted to check for problems in the bladder or urinary tract. The test is usually prescribed to diagnose urinary tract infection, interstitial cystitis, neurological problems, or decreased urine flow.

When to Do It?

If the doctor suspects any abnormality in the bladder or lower urinary tract, or if you’re having any issues with urinary function, they may recommend a cystometric study. This test is often used to diagnose an issue before treatment begins.