Narrow Angle

What is Narrow Angle?

Narrow angle is a type of eye condition that affects the angle between the iris and cornea. It is caused by a thinning of the spongy tissue that makes up the eye’s angle or a growth of the iris or eyeball which further reduces the angle. In some cases, the angle between the cornea and the iris can become so narrow that it blocks the drainage of fluid between the iris and the ciliary body, causing an increase in the pressure in the eye. Such condition is known as narrow angle or angle closure glaucoma.

Symptoms of Narrow Angle Glaucoma

The most common symptom of narrow angle glaucoma is a sudden onset of intense pain in the eye. Other symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Pain and redness in the eye
  • Rainbow- coloured halos around lights
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye pressure
  • Loss of side vision

Treatment of Narrow Angle Glaucoma

Narrow angle glaucoma is a medical emergency and prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential. Treatment options include medicines such as eye drops, laser treatments, and surgery. Your eye doctor will determine the best treatment plan for your specific condition, depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Preventing Narrow Angle Glaucoma

The best way to prevent narrow angle glaucoma is to have regular eye exams scheduled with your ophthalmologist. It is important to catch any signs or symptoms of angle closure early on. During your eye exam, your doctor will be able to detect any changes in your vision and will be able to provide appropriate treatment plans.