Skin greasy

Why Is My Skin Greasy?

Having overly oily skin can be a major source of frustration. No matter how hard you try, you may find that the greasiness persists even after washing your face. The cause of this greasiness could be the result of a few factors.

Causes Of Greasy Skin

  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Genetics
  • Environmental Factors
  • Diet
  • Stress
  • Improper Skin Care
  • Medications

Hormonal imbalances often contribute to greasy skin. The hormones testosterone and estrogen play an important role in keeping skin oil production in check. When these hormones are out of balance, oil glands in the skin can be triggered to produce more oil than needed, leading to an oily appearance.

Genetics can also be to blame for greasy skin. If your family members struggle with oily skin, then it’s likely that you may too. The same applies for environmental and dietary factors, as certain lifestyles can influence the hormones that are released into the body.

High levels of stress can also be a contributing factor to an oily complexion, as stress can activate certain hormones that can cause the skin to produce more oil than needed.

Incorrect skin care habits can also be to blame. Over-washing or scrubbing your skin can irritate the skin’s natural barrier which can cause the skin to recognize that it needs to produce more oil to nourish and hydrate it. Not using a moisturizer after cleansing can also make your skin produce more oil to compensate for the loss of hydration.

Lastly, using certain medications, such as birth control or hormone replacement therapy, can trigger the skin to create more oil.

How To Treat Greasy Skin

To reduce the appearance of oily skin, it’s important to adopt a regular skin care routine that is tailored to your skin type. As a starter, be sure to wash your face no more than twice a day with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. After, you might also want to consider using an oil-free moisturizer in order to keep the skin hydrated and balanced.

You might find that changing your diet can also help reduce the chances of oily skin. Try to avoid deep-fried and processed foods, and opt for meals that are rich in fruits and vegetables. Increasing the amount of water that you drink each day can also start to help balance out your skin’s natural oils.

If all else fails, speak to your dermatologist to determine the best course of action for your particular skin type. They might recommend the use of topical products or medications to help regulate your skin’s oil production and restore balance to your complexion.