Drug Poisoning

Understanding Drug Poisoning

Drug poisoning is an accidental or intentional misuse of a pharmaceutical or illicit substance. Poisoning can occur when a person takes too much of a medication or when the drug affects the body in an unexpected way. In some cases, it can also occur when someone else takes the drug. This can be intentional, such as in cases of suicide, or accidental, such as in cases of child abuse.

Drug poisoning can lead to life-threatening health complications and even death. Signs and symptoms typically depend on the type and amount of the drug taken, but may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. Treatment for drug poisoning often includes supportive care and antidotes, depending on the drug.

What Are the Types of Drug Poisoning?

Drug poisoning can be classified into four different categories: acute, chronic, unintentional, and intentional.

  • Acute: Acute drug poisoning occurs when someone takes a one-time dose that is too large. This type of poisoning is usually dangerous and can be fatal in some cases.
  • Chronic: Chronic drug poisoning occurs when someone repeatedly takes too much of a drug over a long period of time. The amount of drug taken each time may be relatively low, but the cumulative effects can be dangerous or even life-threatening.
  • Unintentional: Unintentional drug poisoning occurs when someone unknowingly takes too much of a medication or an illicit drug. This type of poisoning is often the result of a mistake or an error in judgment.
  • Intentional: Intentional drug poisoning occurs when someone intentionally takes too much of a medication or an illicit drug. This type of poisoning is usually done with the intention of self-harm.
  • What Are the Risk Factors for Drug Poisoning?

    Certain factors can increase the risk of drug poisoning. These include:

  • Age: Children, adolescents, and older adults are more likely to experience drug poisoning due to their unique physiological and psychological factors.
  • Drug use: Those who use illicit or prescription drugs are more likely to experience drug poisoning.
  • Psychological issues: Those with mental health disorders are more likely to experience drug poisoning due to impulsive or risky behavior.
  • Environmental factors: Those who live or work in environments where drug use is common are more likely to experience drug poisoning.