

What is Delayed?

Delayed is when a user taps an action or button on a website, such as a purchase, and instead of completing the action right away, they are presented with an additional step before they can complete the action. It is most commonly seen in two-step authentication systems. It requires a user to know and enter a code or password in addition to submitting the action.

Benefits of Using Delayed

Delayed has several benefits, including:

  • Increased Security: Delayed provides an additional layer of security, as it requires a user to input an additional code or password before they can take an action. This makes it difficult for hackers or other malicious parties to take control of accounts or conduct suspicious activity.
  • Reduced Chances of Fraud: Being able to take an action only by providing additional information reduces the chances of someone fraudulently taking control of an account or making a fraudulent purchase.
  • Smoother User Experiences: Delayed allows users to quickly and easily move between steps without having to worry about additional steps or a complicated verification process.

Using HTML Tags For Delayed

Using HTML tags with delayed can help simplify the process for users. By using specific tags such as the form tag, you can ask users to input additional information such as a code or password before they can take an action. In addition, by using the div tag you can provide an additional layer of security by hiding the code or other information until the user has completed the first step of the process. This way, the user is able to focus on the task at hand without being interrupted by additional steps or having to worry about their security.


Delayed is an effective way to strengthen your website security and reduce the chances of fraud. By using HTML tags, you can provide an even smoother and secure user experience. As technology continues to evolve and hackers become more savvy, it's important to stay ahead of the game and make sure you have the best security measures in place.