Tinea Corporis

What Is Tinea Corporis?

Tinea corporis, also known as ringworm of the body, is a common fungal skin infection caused by a type of fungus known as a dermatophyte. It’s most often contracted by touching an infected person or animal, or touching contaminated surfaces such as clothing, towels, and gym mats.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptom of tinea corporis is a ring-like rash. It typically appears as flat, red patches that may be scaly, itchy or have blisters. In some cases, the rash is accompanied by swelling and cracking of the skin.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Tinea corporis can be diagnosed based on the appearance of the rash. In some cases, a skin scraping or biopsy may be taken for laboratory testing. Treatment usually involves antifungal medications, such as antifungal creams or oral medications. It is important to finish the full course of treatment to ensure the infection is completely gone.


If left untreated, tinea corporis can spread to other areas of the body or to other people. It can also increase the risk of other skin infections, such as bacterial infections or impetigo. People with weakened immune systems may be more susceptible to complications.

Prevention Tips

To reduce your risk of getting tinea corporis, practice good hygiene and avoid sharing items such as clothing, towels, and bedding. Keep your skin clean and dry, and wear light, breathable clothing. Be sure to always wash your hands after touching an infected person or area.

Self-Care Techniques

In addition to the above preventive measures, the following self-care techniques can help reduce symptoms:

  • Clean and dry the affected area several times a day.
  • Keep your nails trimmed and clean to reduce the risk of spreading the fungus to other parts of your body.
  • Avoid scratching the affected area to reduce irritation and prevent the spread of infection.
  • Keep cool to reduce itching and discomfort.
  • Apply an over-the-counter topical antifungal cream to the affected area.