Acute Sore Throat


What Are the Symptoms of Acute Sore Throat?

A sore throat, also known as pharyngitis or tonsillitis, is an inflammation of the throat, which can be caused by a wide range of things. Typically, it begins with a dryness in the throat that is accompanied by a scratchy feeling or pain. Additional symptoms of an acute sore throat can include:

  • Pain, which may worsen when swallowing
  • Swelling of the tonsils
  • White patches on the throat or tonsils
  • Red or swollen tonsils
  • Fever
  • Decreased appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Hoarse voice
  • Swollen glands in the neck

In severe cases, difficulty breathing or talking and drooling may also occur. It is important to note that many of these symptoms can be caused by other illnesses as well, so it is important to see a doctor if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms.

Causes of Acute Sore Throat

The most common cause of an acute sore throat is a viral infection, such as the flu or a common cold. Bacterial infections can also cause sore throats, with strep throat being the most common bacterial cause. Other common causes include allergies, irritants such as smoke, dust, or wind, or pollution. Croup, an illness which causes swelling in the throat, can also cause a sore throat.

Treatment of Acute Sore Throat

Treatment for an acute sore throat depends on the underlying cause. Viral infections typically resolve on their own within a few days and do not require medical treatment. Keeping the throat moist by drinking plenty of fluids and using lozenges can help to reduce symptoms. Additionally, pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used to help reduce discomfort.

If your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help treat the infection. It is important to finish the full course of antibiotics , even if symptoms improve. Additionally, salt water gargles can be used to reduce soreness and swelling.