Sputum Culture

Sputum Culture

What is a Sputum Culture?

A sputum culture is a test used to detect the presence of potentially harmful bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms in a person’s sputum, which is the thick, sticky mucus that is produced when coughing. It is an important test used to diagnose and monitor infections, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, and is often used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests.

Preparation for Sputum Culture

There is generally no significant preparation required for a sputum culture. However, the patient should try to not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes before the sample is collected. This helps reduce potential contamination of the sample. Additionally, the patient should not gargle, eat, or brush their teeth before providing the sample.

Procedure for Sputum Culture

The procedure for a sputum culture involves the collection of a sample, which is then sent to a laboratory for testing. A deep cough and forced exhalations are used to collect the sample. A healthcare professional will provide instructions on how to cough up sputum and provide a container to collect the sample. The sample should be sealed and transported to the lab as soon as possible.

Types of Sputum Culture

There are two main types of sputum culture, including aerobic and anaerobic cultures. Aerobic cultures detect bacteria that thrive in the presence of oxygen, while anaerobic cultures detect bacteria that grow in the absence of oxygen. The type of culture requested will depend on the suspected cause of the infection.

Risks of Sputum Culture

There are minimal risks associated with a sputum culture. The biggest risk is to the patient’s bronchial tree, which can become irritated by forced exhalations. Additionally, the collection of the sputum sample may be unpleasant.

Why Is a Sputum Culture Performed?

A sputum culture is used to detect the presence of potentially harmful bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms in a person’s sputum. It is typically used to diagnose and monitor infections, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.

When Is a Sputum Culture Performed?

A sputum culture is typically performed when a healthcare professional suspects that an infection is present. It may also be performed to monitor the progress of a known infection or to determine the best course of treatment. It is commonly requested at the start of antibiotic treatment to monitor the efficacy of the antibiotic.