Total protein

What is Total Protein?

Total protein is a measure of the total amount of protein in the body's blood or tissue fluids. It is composed of albumin (a major protein fraction) and other types of proteins, such as immunoglobulins and globulins. Total protein tests are used to check for chronic or acute inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, liver and kidney disease, and to evaluate proteins related to the immune system. They are also used to monitor certain types of cancer such as leukemia.

Preparation for Total Protein Test

No special preparation is typically needed prior to a total protein test. However, it's important that you tell your healthcare provider about any medications you are taking and about any recent medical procedures you have had, as these can affect the test results.

Procedure for Total Protein Test

The procedure for the total protein test is simple; a sample of your blood is drawn and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The laboratory will measure the total amount of protein in your sample to determine your total protein level.

Types of Total Protein

The total protein test measures three types of proteins: albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen. Albumin is the major protein fraction; it is responsible for maintaining blood volume and pressure, transporting nutrients, and supporting acid-base balance. Globulin is a major component of the immune system, involved in fighting infection and providing antibodies against antigens. Fibrinogen is involved in the formation of blood clots.

Risks for Total Protein Test

Risks associated with a total protein test are minimal. There is minimal risk of infection or pain associated with the procedure. The only risk associated with the procedure is potential bruising at the site of the needle insertion.

Why do we Need Total Protein Test?

Total protein tests can be used to evaluate the overall health of the individual, as well as to determine the cause of certain medical conditions or illnesses. They can help diagnose or monitor chronic inflammation, allergies, infection, kidney and liver disease, and certain types of cancer such as leukemia. A total protein test can also indicate nutritional deficiencies, as certain vitamins and minerals are needed for the production of healthy proteins in the body.

When do We Need Total Protein Test?

Your healthcare provider may order a total protein test if you are suffering from any of the following conditions: chronic or acute inflammation, allergies, infection, liver or kidney disease, or certain types of cancer. Your healthcare provider may also order a total protein test if you are experiencing unexplained weight loss, chronic fatigue, or any other unexplained symptoms.