Uncomplicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections

Uncomplicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections

Uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections (SSSIs) are common infections of the skin and the layers of skin below, usually caused by Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. These infections can range from minor skin irritations to serious, potentially life-threatening infections. The types of SSSIs most commonly seen in clinical practice can be categorized into five types: cellulitis, folliculitis, wound infections, abscesses, and burns.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections vary depending on the type of infection, but generally, signs of infection may include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Pain

Risk Factors

The risk factors for developing uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections include:

  • Weakened immune system
  • Recent trauma to the skin
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Poor hygiene


Diagnosis of uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections is usually based on the appearance of the affected area and the patient's symptoms. Additional diagnostic tests may include:

  • Physical examination of the skin
  • Microscopic examination of a skin swab or sample of the infected tissue
  • Culture and sensitivity tests to identify the specific micro-organism
  • Blood tests to check for evidence of inflammation and infection


Treatment of uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections typically includes a course of antibiotics. Depending on the type and severity of the infection, treatment with topical or oral antibiotics, or a combination of the two may be recommended. Patients may also need to receive supportive care, including antibiotics, surgery or wound care to prevent the spread of infection. In some cases, hospitalization and monitoring may be necessary.