Symptomatic Botulism

What is Symptomatic Botulism?

Symptomatic Botulism is a serious, foodborne illness caused by consuming food contaminated by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. It can lead to paralysis of the muscles and even death. The main symptom of Botulism is muscle weakness that begins in the face and spreads downward. The toxin produced by the bacteria is absorbed into the bloodstream and affects the nervous system, leading to the muscle weakness. Additional symptoms may include blurred vision, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, drooping eyelids, and difficulty speaking. Infants may have weakened cry, constipation, and drooling.

Causes of Symptomatic Botulism

Botulism is caused by the ingestion of pre-formed Clostridium botulinum toxin, typically from contaminated food. This is most commonly found in poorly canned or preserved food, such as home-canned foods, fermented, smoked, or salted foods, moldy foods, raw honey, corn syrup, and even undercooked potatoes. Botulism can also be caused by wounds contaminated with Clostridium botulinum.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Symptomatic Botulism

If someone is suspected or has been diagnosed with Symptomatic Botulism, they should seek medical attention immediately. Physicians diagnose Botulism by clinical signs and symptoms and by performing laboratory tests on the patient’s blood, stool or vomit. Treatment for symptomatic Botulism typically involves hospitalization and administration of an antitoxin to destroy the circulating toxin. Patients may also need to be ventilated and given nutritional support. Without aggressive treatment, the symptoms of Botulism can worsen and even be fatal.

Prevention of Symptomatic Botulism

The best way to prevent Symptomatic Botulism is by following food safety guidelines when canning or preserving food. This includes guidelines like using a pressure canner for low-acid foods, not eating foods with bulging lids or foul odors, not tasting or eating foods that look or smell suspicious, and avoiding raw honey. It is also important to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables, avoid cross-contamination of raw and cooked foods, and throw away any food that is past the expiration date.

Important Facts About Symptomatic Botulism

  • Symptomatic Botulism is caused by eating food contaminated with Clostridium botulinum bacteria.
  • The primary symptom of Botulism is muscle weakness that begins in the face and spreads downward.
  • It is important to seek medical attention if Botulism is suspected.
  • The best way to prevent Botulism is by following safe canning and food safety guidelines.
  • Without treatment, Symptomatic Botulism can be fatal.