Refractory Ovarian cancer

What is Refractory Ovarian Cancer?

Refractory ovarian cancer is a type of advanced ovarian cancer, which is unresponsive to standard treatments such as chemotherapy. It is usually seen in women whose ovarian cancer has been in remission for some time and then returns. Refractory ovarian cancer is more difficult to treat than other cancer types because it has developed a resistance to treatments that previously worked on other types of ovarian cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of Refractory Ovarian Cancer

The symptoms associated with refractory ovarian cancer can vary depending on the individual. Common signs and symptoms may include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or feeling of fullness
  • Weight loss
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urinary tract infections

Diagnosis of Refractory Ovarian Cancer

A healthcare provider will attempt to diagnose refractory ovarian cancer by taking a detailed medical history and performing a physical examination. Diagnostic tests such as blood work, pelvic imaging, and endometrial biopsy may also be ordered. If it is determined that there is a tumor present in the ovaries, a laparoscopic examination may be performed.

Treatment of Refractory Ovarian Cancer

The treatment options for refractory ovarian cancer will depend on the individual and their overall health. Radiation therapy and surgery are often recommended. Chemotherapy and targeted therapy may also be used. Clinical trials may be available to those seeking more options.

Outlook for Refractory Ovarian Cancer

The outlook for refractory ovarian cancer can vary from person to person. In general, there is only a limited chance of cure for refractory ovarian cancer. However, there are treatments available that may help slow the progress of the disease and improve quality of life for some patients. With early diagnosis and treatment, outcomes may be more favorable.