Recurrent Cervical Cancer

Recurrent Cervical Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women worldwide. It is estimated to cause 320,000 deaths every year, accounting for 7.5% of all cancer deaths in women. While cervical cancer is largely preventable with regular screenings and the Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, it still affects many women, and can recur once it has been treated. Recurrent cervical cancer is when the cancer comes back after it has been treated. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of recurrent cervical cancer, as well as its causes, treatments, and the outlook.


There are no clear causes for recurrent cervical cancer, but some potential risk factors include:

  • Age: Women over the age of 35 are more likely to develop recurrent cervical cancer.
  • Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of recurrent cervical cancer.
  • HPV: HPV is a virus that can cause cervical cancer. Having an HPV infection after being treated for cervical cancer increases the risk of it recurring.
  • Poor nutrition: Eating a diet low in fruits and vegetables has been linked to an increased risk of recurrent cervical cancer.


The symptoms of recurrent cervical cancer may include:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Abnormal discharge with a bad odor
  • Painful urination
  • Pain during sexual intercourse


Treatment for recurrent cervical cancer can vary depending on the stage of the cancer. Some treatments that may be used include:

  • Surgery: Surgery can be used to remove the cancerous tissue.
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation may be used to kill cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy may be used to kill cancer cells.
  • Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy uses drugs to attack specific molecules in cancer cells.


The outlook for recurrent cervical cancer can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the stage of the cancer and the person’s overall health. Early detection and treatment are important to improve the outlook. The earlier recurrent cervical cancer is detected, the better the overall prognosis.