MPV Blood Test

What is a MPV Blood Test?

A MPV blood test is a medical laboratory test that measures the average volume of platelets (thrombocytes) circulating in the blood. Platelets are components of the blood involved in clotting and other related functions. MPV stands for mean platelet volume and the value obtained from this test serves as a useful diagnosis factor for a wide variety of conditions.

Preparation for the Test

No special preparation is typically needed for a MPV blood test; however, it’s important to consult your doctor about any other medical condition that may affect the results. Additionally, inform the medical technician of any medications you are currently using. You may also need to fast for 8 hours prior to the test.

Procedure for the Test

The procedure for the MPV test is fast and straightforward. A medical technician or healthcare provider will take a blood sample from your arm and deposit it in a glass tube. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory to obtain the MPV reading.

Types of MPV Tests

The MPV test can be conducted using either complete blood count (CBC) or hematocrit (HCT) test methods.Generally, CBC involves drawing a blood sample from a vein and analysing it with a machine and provides a wide variety of readings. Conversely, the hematocrit method involves taking a tiny drop of blood from the fingertip and using a microscopic slide to measure the platelet count.

Risks Associated with the Test

The MPV test is a minimally-invasive procedure and its associated risks are minimal. The most common risk after the test is bruising or slight soreness at the site from which the blood was drawn.

Why Get Tested?

The MPV test is used to provide a diagnosis of issues like anemia, kidney diseases, liver diseases, blood disorders, and other similar health conditions. Additionally, the test is sometimes recommended to monitor the effectiveness of treatments for such conditions.

When to Get Tested?

Your doctor may recommend a MPV test if you are showing signs and symptoms associated with a potential blood disorder or related medical condition. Additionally, your doctor may recommend the test periodically to monitor your progress or the effectiveness of a particular treatment. Depending on your particular situation, your doctor may also recommend the test if you have a family history of certain conditions.