recalcitrant Plaque psoriasis

What is Recalcitrant Plaque Psoriasis?

Recalcitrant plaque psoriasis is a severe form of psoriasis characterized by thick, red, scaly patches on the skin. It is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when the body's own immune system mistakenly turns against itself, attacking healthy skin cells and causing them to replicate too rapidly. This rapid skin cell growth leads to raised, red patches known as psoriasis plaques.

Symptoms of Recalcitrant Plaque Psoriasis

The most common symptoms of recalcitrant plaque psoriasis are:

  • Red, scaly patches on the skin
  • Itching and burning sensations on the affected area
  • Skin cracking and splitting
  • Pain or soreness in the affected area
  • Thick, dry, and flaky skin

Causes of Recalcitrant Plaque Psoriasis

The exact cause of recalcitrant plaque psoriasis is unknown, however it is believed to be caused by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. It is more common in people who have family members with the condition, have suffered from other autoimmune diseases, are smokers, or have a history of infection or trauma. Stress, alcohol use, and obesity are also risk factors for developing the condition.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Recalcitrant Plaque Psoriasis

Recalcitrant plaque psoriasis is diagnosed through a physical examination and by examining a sample of the affected area of skin. A biopsy may also be performed to help confirm the diagnosis and rule out other skin conditions. Treatment usually consists of topical creams and ointments, phototherapy, and oral or injectable medications.

In severe cases, systemic medications such as methotrexate may be prescribed to reduce the inflammation and suppress the overactive immune system. If other treatments fail, biologics may be used to target specific molecules associated with the immune response.