Quiescent Psoriasis

What is Quiescent Psoriasis?

Quiescent psoriasis, also known as psoriatic remission, is the period of time when psoriasis symptoms are at their milder and are well-managed. When a person is in a quiescent phase, their psoriasis plaques may not be visible, or they may have a few spots that are generally mild. Quiescent psoriasis is not a cure for the condition but rather a period of reduced activity when symptoms may be more comfortable.

What causes Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. It is caused by an overactive immune system that triggers the body to produce too many skin cells in a short period of time. Those new skin cells can form thick, raised spots and deep red patches on the skin, creating the characteristic psoriasis lesions.

What Factors Affect Quiescent Psoriasis?

There is no definitive list of factors that can lead to quiescent psoriasis, but prescription medications, lifestyle changes, and other treatments can often help manage and reduce symptoms. Some of the most common treatments for quiescent psoriasis include:

  • Topical creams and ointments
  • Prescription medications
  • Light therapy/phototherapy
  • Stress-reducing strategies
  • Nutrition and diet changes
  • Exercise

The Benefits of Quiescent Psoriasis

The main benefit of quiescent psoriasis is that patients can experience significant symptom relief, which can be life-changing. It can also reduce the likelihood of an infection or flare-up, which can diminish health-related anxiety. Quiescent psoriasis can help improve overall quality of life and help people manage psoriasis more effectively.