Minor aches

Dealing with Minor Aches

Feeling a bit achy? It's normal for muscle aches and pains to last a few days. But if they’re still bothering you, there are several strategies you can try to help relieve the pain.


RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. This acronym is a good jumping off point when it comes to treating minor aches and injuries.

  • Rest: Take a break from activities or sports that put pressure on your achy muscles.
  • Ice: Icing an injury can help reduce inflammation and excessive soreness.
  • Compress: You can use a bandager or compression wear to keep the area warm and supported.
  • Elevate: If possible, try to keep the aching area raised up above the heart. This can help reduce swelling.

Exercise and Stretching

Exercise and stretching are important tools for pain management. A few simple activities, like yoga or calisthenics, can help keep muscles strong and flexible. You may even want to invest in physical therapy to develop and follow an intentional strengthening program.

Alternative Treatments

Sometimes medication isn’t necessary for minor aches and pain. There are a number of holistic treatments available, such as acupressure, that may provide temporary relief from chronic discomfort.

See Your Doctor

If your pain persists, it's important to see a professional. Your doctor can evaluate and diagnose what may be causing chronic aches and pains and work with you to develop a treatment plan.