Perioperative procedures

Perioperative Procedures: What Patients and Surgeons Need to Know

Perioperative procedures involve the preparation and subsequent care for a patient before, during and after any surgical procedure. The procedure begins before surgery when the patient goes through the pre-operative assessment and preparation, and continues until the recovery phase post-surgery. This includes activities such as monitoring vital signs, administering medications or anesthesia, and education.

The primary purpose of perioperative procedures is to reduce the risks associated with surgery and ensure that the outcome of the operation is positive. It is important that the patient is aware of this process and understands what is expected of them pre and post procedure. By being informed and educated, the patient is in a better position to make the best decisions for their health.

Pre-Operative Care

The pre-operative period includes the preparation activities that must occur in order for the surgery to proceed. This includes the surgical scheduling, pre-operative testing, and patient interview. During this phase, the patient will meet with the surgeon and other medical professionals such as anesthesiologists, nurses, and technicians.

It is crucial to discuss any medical information that could affect the patient’s allergies, medications, or other health issues. Questions will be asked about the duration and location of the surgery. This allows the team to properly plan for any items or medications that need to be present during the procedure.

Perioperative Procedures During Surgery

During surgery, the primary focus is on the patient’s comfort and safety. Anesthesia will be given and the patient monitored closely in order to ensure that no complications occur. During this time, the surgical team will assess and monitor the patient’s vital signs and give any medications or treatments as needed.

An anaesthesiologist will prepare and administer the patient’s anaesthetic, in order to keep them comfortable during the procedure. Monitoring and adjusting the level of anaesthesia is an important part of the process and appropriate pain management is an integral part of the procedure.

Post-Operative Care

Once the surgery is complete, the patient will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until they are stable. During this period, nurses and medical staff will check on the patient’s vital signs, administer pain medication, and check for any potential complications such as infections or bleeding. The patient will be given instructions for at-home care and the surgeon may arrange for follow-up visits.

It is important for the patient to follow their doctor's instructions regarding wound care, medications, and diet. The patient should also continue to follow their doctor’s advice in terms of monitoring their own health at home in order to detect any signs of infection or complication.


Perioperative procedures are an important part of any surgical procedure, and it is important for patients to be aware of the steps involved in order to ensure the best outcome. By knowing what to expect before, during, and after surgery, patients can make healthful decisions and feel more comfortable with the procedure itself.