Mild Essential Hypertension

What is Mild Essential Hypertension?

Mild Essential Hypertension (MEHT) is amedicalconditioncharacterizedbypersistently highblood pressure. This condition is usually considered to be mild if it is consistently elevated at readings above 130/85 mm Hg but not above the 140/90 mm Hg threshold, which is generally considered to indicate a diagnosis of hypertension.

Symptoms of Mild Essential Hypertension

In mild hypertension, symptoms are usually absent. Some patients may experience headaches or dizziness, but these symptoms usually don’t become recognizable until the condition reaches moderate to severe levels.

Causes of Mild Essential Hypertension

The exact cause of mild essential hypertension is unknown. It is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors, such as diet and lifestyle. Other factors that can contribute to MEHT include:

  • Stress
  • High sodium intake
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol use

Diagnosis of Mild Essential Hypertension

Mild essential hypertension is usually diagnosed during a routine doctor visit. During the appointment, the doctor will take the patient's blood pressure and ask questions about their medical history, lifestyle and family history. If it is determined that the patient has MEHT, further testing may be done to check for underlying conditions such as kidney disease or heart disease.

Treatment of Mild Essential Hypertension

The primary treatment for mild hypertension is lifestyle modification. This may include changes in diet, exercise, stress management, smoking cessation and weight reduction. In some cases, medication may be needed to keep the blood pressure at safe levels. These medications usually work by reducing the blood pressure in the arteries or by relaxing the blood vessels.


Mild essential hypertension is a medical condition characterized by consistently high blood pressure readings. It is usually diagnosed during a routine doctor appointment and can be controlled with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. In some cases, medication may be needed to keep the blood pressure at safe levels. It is important to discuss any symptoms or concerns you may have with your doctor.