Low-Risk Prostate Cancer of the one lobe only

Low-Risk Prostate Cancer of the One Lobe Only

Low-risk prostate cancer of the one lobe only is a treatable form of prostate cancer. This cancer is considered to be a low risk because it usually grows slowly and is not likely to spread to other parts of the body. There are a few treatment options available for this type of prostate cancer, including active surveillance, surgery, and radiation therapy.

Active Surveillance

Active surveillance is a monitoring program that looks for changes in the prostate cancer over time. It typically involves regular doctor visits, lab tests, and imaging tests to closely monitor the cancer’s size and growth. If the cancer starts to grow, then treatment options such as surgery or radiation therapy can be explored.


Surgery to remove the prostate lobe may be an option. The surgery is done through the abdomen or through a cut in the perineum. For low-risk prostate cancer, the surgeon may be able to completely remove just the prostate lobe, but for more advanced prostate cancer, the entire prostate may need to be removed. After the surgery, there may be a need for hormone therapy or radiation therapy.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy can also be used for low-risk prostate cancer. The type of radiation therapy used depends on the cancer’s size and how likely it is to spread. Radiation is typically given in either 5, 10, or 15 sessions. In some cases, combination therapy – radiation therapy plus hormone therapy – may be needed after the radiation.

Benefits of Treating Low-Risk Prostate Cancer of the One Lobe Only

  • Early diagnosis can improve treatment outcomes and reduce the chances of the cancer spreading.
  • Treatment options can help slow or stop the cancer from growing.
  • Surgery and radiation therapy both have fewer side effects than hormone therapy.
  • Surgery and radiation therapy are less likely to cause long-term problems such as incontinence or impotence.