Lenticular opacities

What Are Lenticular Opacities?

Lenticular opacities refer to areas of decreased transparency or changes in shape in the crystalline lens of the eye. Causes of this change in the eye can include age, cataract, diabetes, certain medications, and trauma. Lenticular opacities can lead to visual impairment or not depending on the amount and location of the opacity.

Types of Lenticular Opacities

The types of lenticular opacities that can be found within the eye include cortical, nuclear, and posterior polar. Cortical opacities are found in the outer part of the lens and are caused by proteins which increase with age within the lens, making it hard for light to penetrate. Nuclear opacities are found in the central nucleus of the lens and are caused by proteins that become mis-folded. Finally, posterior polar opacities are located in the back surface of the lens and may be caused by protein deposits, disease, osmotic changes, or inflammation.

Symptoms of Lenticular Opacities

The symptoms of lenticular opacities vary depending on the type of opacity, location, and degree of damage. Some symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Decreased night vision
  • Double vision
  • Halos around lights or shadows
  • Difficult reading
  • Difficulty driving at night

Diagnosing and Treating Lenticular Opacities

Lenticular opacities are diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam, including a slit lamp exam and various imaging sequences. Treatment will depend on the severity and type of opacity. Mild cases may not require treatment. Severe cases may require medications, therapy, or surgery. In some cases, surgery may involve implanting an artificial lens to improve vision.