
Potential Benefits of Taking a Laxative

Laxatives are used to help with constipation and can safely be used to provide relief for many people. Commonly prescribed by doctors, laxatives can help maintain regular bowel movements, and can be beneficial to people when used correctly. Some potential benefits of taking a laxative include:

  • Laxatives can help keep abdominal muscles relaxed to reduce contractions and thus help encourage a smooth passage of stool.
  • Many laxatives help increase the amount of water in the stool, helping to make it softer and easier to pass.
  • Some laxatives can help reduce inflammation and swelling around the intestine in people with IBS.
  • Laxatives stimulate the contraction of the intestinal muscles which helps push stool out of the colon.
  • They can help increase the amount of fiber in a person's diet when taken regularly.

Potential Risks of Taking a Laxative

While taking a laxative can be beneficial in certain cases, there are some potential risks associated with the use of laxatives. Depending on the type used, side effects can range from minor to severe. Potential risks of taking a laxative include:

  • Abdominal cramping, pain, and bloating due to excess gas.
  • Dehydration due to excessive liquid being pulled out of the body.
  • Stomach irritation due to the lack of nutrients and the irritation of intestinal walls.
  • Vomiting due to overuse of laxatives.
  • Nausea due to the stimulation of nerve cells in the intestines.

If you are considering taking a laxative, it is important to discuss the potential benefits and risks with your doctor before starting. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to ensure that you are taking the laxative in the safest possible way.