Intraocular Inflammation

What is Intraocular Inflammation?

Intraocular inflammation, or uveitis, is an inflammation of the uveal tract, also known as the middle layer of the eye wall. It is most often caused by the body’s own immune system attacking the eye and can cause numerous ocular and systemic complications if left untreated. Uveitis can affect both the front and back of the eye and can even involve the entire globe or the tissues around it.

What are the Symptoms of Intraocular Inflammation?

The most common symptoms of intraocular inflammation include blurred vision, redness in the eye, excessive tearing, eye pain or discomfort, and sensitivity to light. Other symptoms can include floaters, conjunctivitis, photophobia, headache, eye fatigue, and in rare cases, loss of vision.

What Causes Intraocular Inflammation?

There are many potential causes of intraocular inflammation, including autoimmune disease, infection, type 1 diabetes, HLA-B27 antigen, trauma, and systemic inflammation. The underlying cause of the inflammation must be identified for successful treatment.

How is Intraocular Inflammation Diagnosed?

The doctor may recommend ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound imaging, or a dye test to diagnose intraocular inflammation. The doctor may also evaluate blood tests, eye swabs, joint fluid cultures, and other medical imaging tests to rule out any underlying causes.

How is Intraocular Inflammation Treated?

Intraocular inflammation is typically treated with corticosteroids or other immune-suppressing drugs. In some cases, more potent medications such as TNF inhibitors may be used. Frequent follow-up visits may also be recommended in some cases.

What are the Complications of Intraocular Inflammation?

If left untreated, intraocular inflammation can cause numerous complications including permanent vision loss, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and infarction of the optic nerve.

How is Intraocular Inflammation Prevented?

Intraocular inflammation can be prevented by seeking early, comprehensive treatment of underlying causes. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and minimizing exposure to environmental toxins can also help reduce the chances of developing uveitis.


Intraocular inflammation is an important ocular disorder that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment will not only decrease the risk of developing chronic symptoms, but will also help to reduce the risk of long-term complications.