Helminthic infection

What is Helminthic Infection?

Helminthic infections are caused by parasitic worms, which can typically originate from contaminated soil, food, and water. These parasites feed off of the host’s nutrition, and can sometimes cause severe health complications. As the name implies, helminthic infections occur place when a person is infected with helminths—a type of parasitic worm.

Symptoms of Helminthic Infection

The signs and symptoms of helminthic infections vary depending on the type of infestation. Common symptoms may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Gas
  • Itching or rashes
  • Joint pain
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Causes of Helminthic Infection

Helminths enter the body through contact from infected animals, contaminated soil, infected water, or food. Migration of eggs or larvae from one part of the body to another is possible. Other means of transmission include unhealthy personal hygiene and swallowing helminth eggs.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Helminthic Infection

Helminthic infections can be diagnosed through a physical exam, blood tests, stool tests, or imaging scans. Treatment for these infections typically involves medications that kill the parasites in the body. In order to ensure complete elimination, the medications may need to be taken for up to a couple of months.

Prevention of Helminthic Infection

Helminthic infections are preventable with proper hygiene and safe food storage. It is important to always wash hands before eating or handling food, cook food thoroughly, and drink only safe water. Avoiding contact with soil, animals, or objects that may be contaminated can also help to prevent infection.