Chronic Schizophrenia

What Is Chronic Schizophrenia?

Chronic schizophrenia is a serious, long-term mental disorder characterized by disorganized thoughts, behavior, and emotions. People living with chronic schizophrenia often find it difficult to think clearly, to manage daily activities, and to interact with others. It is estimated that roughly 1 percent of the world population has some form of schizophrenia. Chronic schizophrenia is considered to be one of the most disabling and impairing of all mental illnesses.


People living with chronic schizophrenia often suffer from a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Delusions, such as beliefs that are not based in reality or ought not to be held by rational people.
  • Hallucinations, which involve hearing or seeing things that aren’t really there.
  • Paranoia and suspiciousness.
  • Confused, disorganized speech such as speaking so quickly that others can’t understand or stringing together sentences that don’t make sense.
  • Negative symptoms, such as lack of emotion, few facial expressions, and difficulty starting and carrying out activities.

In extreme cases, schizophrenic people may have difficulty recognizing reality, thinking logically, or behaving normally in social situations. They may also be safety risks to themselves or to people in their environment.


Scientists believe that chronic schizophrenia is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Research has shown that a family history of the disorder increases a person's likelihood of developing it, and that some people may more prone due to their genetics. Environmental factors, such as viruses, adverse life events, substance abuse, and extreme stress, may also play a role.


The treatment and management of chronic schizophrenia typically involve a combination of psychotherapy, medications, and lifestyle changes. Medications are used to alleviate positive symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, as well as negative symptoms, such as apathy and emotional withdrawal. Psychotherapy helps the individual manage their symptoms and cope with day-to-day life, while lifestyle changes, such as regular physical activity and a healthy diet, can help improve overall wellbeing.

Living with chronic schizophrenia can be very challenging, but with the right combination of treatments and lifestyle changes, the symptoms can be effectively managed and the patient can lead a full and productive life.