Wellness of the Liver

7 Liver Wellness Tips For Improved Health

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body which helps with digestion, absorption of nutrients and even cleansing the body of toxins. Taking care of your liver means your body is better equipped to cope with every day life and also fight against potential illnesses and diseases. Here are 7 liver wellness tips to help improve your health.

1. Eat a balanced diet

Focus on eating a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as some lean protein sources, is beneficial for overall liver health. Avoid processed and sugary foods which can slow down your liver’s ability to metabolize food correctly and instead focus on a healthy eating plan.

2. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is beneficial for helping to reduce liver inflammation, clearing out fat deposits, and generally improving its overall condition. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as a brisk walk or bike ride, most days of the week.

3. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy liver. Aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night and prioritise this as much as possible. Sleep deprivation can cause insulin resistance, which can lead to fatty liver disease.

4. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum

Drinking too much alcohol can cause fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and other liver damage. If you do drink alcohol, ensure that you stick to the recommended daily limits of two standard drinks per day for men and one standard drink per day for women.

5. Avoid smoking

Smoking is well known for its negative health consequences, such as lung disease, cancer, and heart disease. Lesser known is the impact smoking can have on your liver. Smoking causes inflammation of the liver and can even lead to liver failure.

6. Protect your liver from infection

Your liver can become infected, often due to a virus such as hepatitis B or C. Protecting your liver from infection means avoiding contact with other people's blood, such as unprotected sex, and avoiding shared needles for drug use.

7. Supplement your diet

Adding liver supportive supplements to your diet can help protect and restore your liver. Try to find supplements that contain Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Schizandra, and Bupleurum, as well as other herbs known for their liver-friendly properties.

Improve Your Liver Health Today

Following these tips can help you protect and improve your liver health. With a healthy liver, you can enjoy better digestion, better absorption of nutrients, and an overall healthier body. Take steps today to improve your liver wellness and enjoy a happier, healthier life.