
What is Candidiasis?

Candidiasis, also known as a yeast infection or thrush, is an infection caused by a type of yeast called Candida. The most common type is called Candida albicans. It can affect various parts of the body, leading to different kinds of infections. In women, it often affects the vagina, while in men it can affect the genitals, mouth, or rectum.

Symptoms of Candidiasis

The symptoms of a Candidiasis infection can vary depending on the affected area. Some common symptoms include:

  • Itching and burning sensation in infected area
  • White discharge in vaginal area
  • Redness and swelling of the affected skin
  • Pain and soreness in the affected area

Treatments for Candidiasis

The treatment for Candidiasis depends on the type and severity of the infection. Some of the most common treatments include:

  • Antifungal medications: These medicines are used to kill the fungus that causes Candidiasis. Examples include miconazole, clotrimazole, and fluconazole.
  • Probiotics: These supplements can help restore a healthy balance of bacteria in your body, which may help reduce the risk of getting a Candidiasis infection.
  • Yogurt: Eating yogurt with live cultures can help to restore the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut.
  • Garlic: Eating garlic can help prevent Candidiasis since it has antifungal properties.

Prevention of Candidiasis

There are a few steps you can take to help prevent Candidiasis infections, such as:

  • Avoiding tight clothing: Tight clothing can trap moisture, creating an ideal environment for Candida to grow.
  • Wearing cotton underwear: Cotton absorbs moisture and allows air to circulate, which can help to reduce the risk of getting a Candidiasis infection.
  • Avoiding douching: Douching can disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in the vagina, making it easier for Candida to thrive.
  • Maintaining good hygiene: Washing the infected area regularly can help reduce the risk of Candidiasis.