Nocturnal Polyuria

Nocturnal Polyuria

Nocturnal polyuria (NP) is a condition where the amount of urine produced in the night is excessive compared to the amount of urine excreted during the day. It is one of the common causes of nocturia (waking up to urinate at night). The condition is sometimes known as “insane polyuria” or “nocturnal diuresis”.


The exact cause of NP is unclear and may vary from person to person. Common causes include:

  • Drinking too much fluids before bedtime
  • Caffeinated beverages
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Certain medications
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Obstructed sleep apnea


In addition to waking up frequently to urinate, other symptoms of NP may include:

  • Urinating more than usual during the night
  • Feeling the urge to urinate frequently at night
  • Producing small amounts of urine during the night
  • Feeling tired during the day
  • Difficulty concentrating


Your doctor will often take several tests to diagnose NP. These tests can include a physical exam, a detailed medical history, a sleep study, a urine test, a blood test, and an abdominal ultrasound. Your doctor may also refer you to a urologist for further tests or a specialist in sleep medicine.


Treatment for NP depends on the underlying cause. Some possible treatments may include:

  • Reducing fluid intake before bedtime
  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
  • Treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes or obstructive sleep apnea
  • Medications such as diuretics to reduce the amount of urine produced
  • Treating any bladder infections
  • Behavioral therapy or lifestyle changes, such as limiting or avoiding certain activities before bed


Nocturnal polyuria is a common but treatable condition that can cause night-time urination. If you think you may have NP, be sure to check with your doctor to find if treatment is right for you.